Friday, November 13, 2009

As Promised...

Pictures of the apartment!

So a couple wednesdays ago we made our move-in official by unpacking the last box. Hooray! I was beyond happy when we finally finished. That night, we put the babies to bed, drank hot chocolate, and played some games. It was like a walk in the clouds. While Craig was brushing his teeth, I went in to check on the boys. They looked so sweet and peaceful. It was just one of those moments, you know. Everything was so perfect. Then, BANG!!! What in the world? Did one of the pictures fall off the wall? I ran out to find Craig running out of our room asking me if I was alright.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"Just Fine."

Then WHAT was that?!? A peek in our closet told all. Both of our wardrobes were on the floor where once they had been hanging. The shelf had literally ripped through the sheetrock. Whoever installed it hadn't done it right with attaching it in the right place, etc. (I don't do the technical lingo, even though my dad and my husband did construction), so we had to pull everything back out and wait for management to come fix it. I guess perfect moments really are but moments...

Anyway, on with the tour. Our family room. We don't have a couch yet, so our camp chair currently provide us with very comfortable seating...
The baker's rack tv stand was NOT in our plans, but when the tv didn't fit in the armoire we had to improvise. A new tv is also on our wishlist.

The kitchen
and dining
And another shot of our closet with a new, sturdy shelf installation complete. It is stuffed to the rafters!
Master bath - the boys have their own bathroom, but I didn't take a picture. It's exactly the same.
Master Bedroom

And the boys' room

Gavin's "gyeat, BIG bed." He loves it! And I love it because it houses all our food storage that we had nowhere else to put. Thanks to Grandma T, Gavin gets a really tall bed!
And here's what Gavin did while I was unpacking. What's under all those toys?
Poor little guy!
The culprit!!!


Heather said...

You're apartment looks great! You've done a wonderful job, and I just crack up to see your baker's rack as your tv stand. We still have our baker's rack that was our first tv stand as well. ;-) But as great as the place looks, it can't compare with the family that lives there. We sure love and miss you guys, are proud of you, and wish you the very best! Lots of love!

Michelle said...

Your apartment looks great! Doesn't it feel nice to finally be settled in?

Valarie said...

Thanks for sharing your trip and apartment, Sharelle. It makes it seem not quite so far away. The pictures are wonderful. Thank goodness for internet and phones!

Alisha Johnson said...

I love reading all these fun updates on your blog! =) It's so fun to see how you guys are doing. Your new place looks great! What a great accomplishment to be unpacked... And what a great blessing those perfect moments are!

Kyle and Reesie said...

Oh Relle, it is such a cute little place. You have done it up so fun with fall stuff. I love your chinese bedroom. Everything looks so great, I am happy you guys are getting settled in. Thanks for the pics, it is so fun to see your new place since we can't be there in person. We are so grateful that you guys were able to see us on the way to Florida. We had such a great time, miss you! Love ya lots