Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Harvest Party

A couple of Saturdays ago, Aunt Blenda hosted a Harvest party at her house. It was a ton of fun! Really what a "Harvest party" ends up being on my mom's side of the family is a Halloween party with costumes, but we don't really like Halloween because it is such a spooky holiday, so we call it something else!
Here is cute little Kaylee in her ladybug costume. Craig worked his buddy magic with her and we actually got a smile!
Here's another of the Kay-ster with another of her buddies Uncle Darrin. These are the kinds of faces I manage to pull out of Kaylee, but at least she's not crying...

My sweetie and me - how cute! We should have taken this picture before 11:00, I think we look tired

Formerly costume-less Ash-dog with my mom-dog genie-dog

Thanks to costume-less Aubrey, costume-less Ashtey got a makeover that not only changed the way he felt about himself, but prompted a more festive attitude (refer to above photo).

The G-man with Grandpa Bret. Where he usually is, whenever we get together.

Our favorite neighbors! Sarah and Brenna in their cute, adorable, creative costumes!

Thanks Aunt Beenda and everyone who went for all the fun, the great food and the even greater party! We can't wait for the next one!

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