There are precious few movies that Craig can stand to watch over and over again--the Bourne series, The Blind Side made the cut, Just Like Heaven (he probably thinks Reese Witherspoon is cute, but who doesn't? Seriously). Even with those, though, he has to have a minimum time lapse between viewings. I, on the other hand can watch the same movies again and again, and each time gets sweeter and sweeter. It's probably because I have better taste in movies... Pride and Prejudice (ONLY the Collin Firth one, Kiera what's-her-face ruined the other one for me as well as the fact that Darcy and Elizabeth's attraction was portrayed as being based entirely on chemistry rather than admiration for one another's characters as they gradually discovered them...but I don't have very strong feelings about it :), Sense and Sensibility, North and South--they just reach a whole new realm of wonderfulness, "scrumptialescense" as my Nat would say. I could start Pride and Prejudice from segment four and watch it to the end indefinitely--I could do the same with the train scene from North and South. It NEVER gets old. Nothing is old about falling in love for the first time. What's amazing is that I can hit instant replay on the whole bit. I don't even have to hit the rewind button and wait for the VHS to get to the right spot anymore.
So that was a huge ramble. Back to what I was trying to say from the beginning. As a child (and teenager) growing up, one movie I never tired of watching over and over was a ghetto VHS recording from TV of all the Christmas cartoon classics made with love by my Dad. A Charlie Brown Christmas was a favorite. I love Linus's speech about the true meaning of Christmas. It still gets me teary. Linus totally has a mature view of things when it comes to the holidays. But there's nothing mature about his blanky addiction. Totally childish. But cute, because he is a child.

Well, here's my little Linus. He LOVES this blanky. It's the one ("in nuetral colors") Tay and Gar gave to Craig and I our first Christmas married right before we announced that they were all going to be uncles. My sweet little boy picks it up, slings it over his shoulder and carries it around with him when he's tired and waiting for me to lay him down.
Today he managed to get it over to the rocking chair where he climbed up (all by himself) and sat down. Then I think he decided the floor was too far away.