We spent August 18-21 in Orlando and had a blast! It was such a fun trip. We left Gavin with Grandma and Grandpa Smith and took Mason with us. He is the BEST baby ever! He did awesome! We did a lot of driving around to just kind of get a feel for the area. There is so much to do there, but hanging out in the car and enjoying the beautiful scenery made the trip for me. There's something about road-trippin' with my sweetie that beats pretty much anything else (maybe because I started really falling for him on a road trip to Cedar City to visit my brother Taylor during Spring Break :o).
We did spend a day at the beach, and the drive there was gorgeous. We thought it was funny that they actually mow the grass on the sides of the road in Florida. It is so green!
Mason really did like the beach, but we stopped pretty much right in the middle of nap time because we were trying to enjoy the sun before a storm came in.
Don't we look good in Florida?
I sure hope you said "yes" because that's where we're going to be spending the next few years of our lives. Craig's starting up a business out in Orlando and we move a week from today! Kind of crazy - when we moved in with my parents, I thought that when we left we'd be going across the county, maybe, but not across the country. I'm incredibly grateful to know that the Lord is leading us where He would have us be. Also I'm very grateful to know that the church will be the same there as it is here, and we will still enjoy the blessing of having a temple close by.
And since I have no guarantee of coming back here to visit very often, here's my pitch to whoever wants to hear it (I guess read it). Should any of you wish to enjoy all the innumerable pleasures of Orlando, including but not limited to DISNEYWORLD!, let us know and we'd be happy to have you stay with us. We can't make any promises about the comfort or quality of the available accomodation, but hey, it'll be FREE!!!